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Vitamin D Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments.

Vitamin D, sometimes referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” is an extremely essential nutrient in our daily lives. This vitamin performs a lot of roles in our body. From the regulation of calcium and absorption of phosphorus to a key role in supporting the immune system, allowing for proper muscle function and cell growth.In comparison with some other vitamins, the functions of vitamin D are many because it also functions as a hormone, where it has an impact on numerous processes within the body...

Arthritis: How the drugs work.

Arthritis — a condition that affects joints, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness — is a common disease that millions worldwide live with every day.It’s a condition that can make simple tasks like walking or even holding a cup very challenging. Thankfully, there are medications designed to help manage its symptoms and improve the quality of life of people living with this disease.If you or someone close to you lives with arthritis, you might have a very specific question: what exactly are these...

A.B.T Template: The Only Way To Tell Your Data Story

Use This Simple Trick To Impress Any Stakeholder.Telling your data story after a very tasking analysis can be a real pain, especially when all you have are the answers, or at least some of the answers.It feels like you’re stuck with pure gold, but no one seems interested in what you have.I know this because I’ve been there.At some point, I realized that I couldn’t keep struggling to find ways to tell my story after every single analysis and that I had to find a way around it.That’s why I went on...

4 reasons why data science is not for you

Read this before going knee-deep into the data science world.In this article, I’ll be helping you realize the answer to a question that you might have been asking yourself for a while “Is data science the right fit for me?”.These answers are based on responses I got from colleagues who were once interested in data science but discovered, months into their journey, that it wasn’t the right fit for them.My goal with this article is to help you to make an informed decision about your data career pa...

Data Quality: The Most Important Factor in Your Data Science Success

Last year, I messed up on a huge project. Here’s the gist.My job was to analyze the Q1-Q3 sales and requisition data for a growing pharmacy store. The manager needed insights to boost sales and strategize for the upcoming quarter.While I did an “Okay” job with the dashboards, my initial insights were terrible.What do you think led to the mistakes?Please take a wild guess before you continue.I’m still really ashamed to say this, but here’s what I later discovered:The quality of the data I was wor...